published a very nice (LONG) infographic on social media that supports their position that Social Media is revolutionizing help desk and customer support. While I agree that social is a big deal and it is expanding the way people communicate, I’m not sure revolutionizing is the right adjective – how about evolving?
Anyhow, a couple of top level social stats that I thought were compelling:
- 1 out of every 5 minutes online is spent in social. I’d be interested to know if this swaps out other activities or is additive to total time spent online. I think the 1 in 5 minutes is accurate (depending on definitions) but it is adding to total time online vs replacing something like search or email.
- 82% of 18 – 29 year olds utilize some form of social networks. Can you say “the new normal”?
- 14% of people trust advertisement but 78% trust recommendations by friends and peers. What about advertisements on friends pages on social networks? I believe this, but getting friends reco’s on something at scale is a challenge for a lot of industries.
- 81% of small businesses now use social media. Facebook is a great way to communicate with your audience in an efficient manner. Every business – big or small – needs to have a Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Google + strategy.
- Customers that use social media are prepared to spend 21% more for good service. This is a stat I would challenge on the grounds of sampling methodology, but interesting way to try and slice the data.
Here’s the full infographic – enjoy!

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