I was checking out the Google mashup – What Do You Love – www.wdyl.com – this morning and one of the widgets is Google Patents which had an image of the document I submitted with Tommy Unger, Erez Barak and Paul Brown on a way to research and recommend finding links. This became the link tool in Optify and was a fun project as well as some different approach thinking. I knew we had submitted the application, but never received a notification that it was accepted and through. Here’s the patent if you want to look it up http://www.google.com/patents/US20110302145 – and the pdf US20110302145-Link-Opportunities-Optify – pretty exciting find this morning!
About scott
Scott has over 30 years experience in building successful businesses in a variety of industries including: enterprise grade machine learning (SigmaIQ), Qualitative Market Research (Discuss.io) E-commerce (Amazon.com), Online Subscription (Rhapsody – RealNetworks, Optify), Digital Marketing (Avenue A, Optify & Brand Digital, Inc.), Online Games (WON.net), Consumer Entertainment Software (Sierra) and Recycling/Solid Waste Management (Rabanco Recycling).
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